Our Staff

Robin Miller
Robin Steiner met Margo while on a Job Shadowing experience with the Wayne County Schools Career Center at the Law Office at the age of 16. She was quickly offered a summer job which led to full-time work upon her graduation from Norwayne High School. Robin continued with classes at Wayne College and regularly attends legal education seminars in the area of probate administration to stay current on changes in the law and required procedures. She currently handles much of the client contact and probate administration on our estate files. She also assists with many of the signing appointments that take place in our office.
Robin and her husband, Mike Miller, live in Creston, Ohio with their two daughters, Hannah and Halle. Many long-term clients remember her girls as babies sleeping in Robin’s office while handling law office business. Her daughter, Hannah, now works as a PICCU nurse at Akron Children’s Hospital and daughter, Halle enjoys being a “summer office helper” while busy with her 4-H and high school activities.
Outside of work at the law office, their family enjoys any opportunity to travel and they breed bordoodle puppies together. Robin also keeps busy being actively involved with her church, school and community non-profit activities with her family. In her spare time, Robin loves trying new recipes and welcoming guests to the family Airbnb north of Wooster.
Robin says, “Working with the many special people I’ve developed a relationship with is just too fun to be called a job. I feel very blessed to have started this fabulous adventure almost 40 years ago, when we were still using carbon paper, with someone who truly cares about her clients. It is a pleasure to be serving the fourth generation of many families. I am especially thankful that Margo has had the foresight and has made it a priority to “hand pick” additional attorneys who share her same philosophy of serving clients’ legal needs. This succession enables the fun adventure to continue!”

Leanne Robison
Leanne has been a lifelong resident of Wayne County and is a graduate of Triway High School. Her first job out of high school was working in the accounts receivable department at Wooster Products, Inc., and it is there that she met her husband Bill. Leanne and Bill have been married 42 years. They have three children, two of whom are married, and have blessed Leanne and Bill with five grandchildren. Leanne and Bill enjoy spending time with their family and watching their grandchildren’s sports events and 4-H shows.
Leanne came to work for Margo in June of 1998. Leanne says, “It has been a privilege to work at the Broehl Law Firm and with such great co-workers who are also dear friends. It has been a rewarding career for me. I have met and gotten to know a lot of people over the years. Our office is continuing to grow, but still maintains the personal touch with each and every one of our clients whom we appreciate and work our hardest to assist them with their needs.”

Tony Sigler
Tony Sigler joined the Broehl Law Office in 2006 and serves as our Facilities Manager and Courier, in addition to being the Personal Groundskeeper for the Broehl Family Garden. After earning a degree in Landscaping from Ohio State: ATI, Tony spent many years as a landscaper and also worked for Hawkin’s Market and Com-Patt-Ibles Flowers and Gifts. Tony is diligent in providing excellent customer service to our clients and is always willing to help with any projects!
When the Broehl Law Office moved to the Historic G. P. Emrich/ William Annat House in 2015, it provided Tony the opportunity to showcase his decorating talents throughout the home. Most of the seasonal decorations you see are a reflection of Tony’s attention to detail. During Christmastime, Tony magically transforms our office into a beautiful parade of Holiday splendor; complete with Christmas trees, wreaths, garland, twinkle lights and ornaments galore! In addition to his influence inside the building, Tony’s passion for gardening allows our charming office to bloom and grow all year long. It’s not surprising to see Tony planting flowers or moving landscaping around to make room for his latest finds!
Thinking about his time with the Broehl Law Office, Tony can’t help but smile. “I really, truly, enjoy everything about my job. I like the people here and they put up with my jokes!” In his free time, Tony enjoys gardening, spending time with family and friends, dining out and relaxing at home with his cats.

Alisa Odenkirk
Alisa Odenkirk is a graduate of Norwayne High School and the Wayne County Career Center. While in High School, a friend encouraged Alisa to join her in taking a Finance class. Thanks to that recommendation, Alisa decided to pursue coursework through the Wayne County Career Center to become a Finance Specialist.
Upon graduation, she started working as a Bookkeeper for Benden Enterprises and stayed there for many years. Alisa later joined the United Way of Wooster and worked there until she and her husband, Gregory, welcomed their son, Jeffrey. Alisa took time away from business matters to enjoy making memories with her son; a decision she is thankful she had the opportunity to do! Alisa volunteered in many classrooms, PTO events and Triway functions while her son was in school.
Alisa later joined the Broehl Law Office family as a Bookkeeper. “I really enjoy working with my coworkers here and the team atmosphere we have!” Outside of the office, Alisa loves to spend time with her family, attend activities and events to support her nieces, read a good book, go sight-seeing and shop for antiques.

Brandy Burkett
Brandy Burkett is a 2003 graduate of Black River High School with a certificate in Paralegal Studies from Ehove Adult Career Center. Prior to joining the Broehl Law Office in 2017, Brandy served as a Paralegal to a small law firm and later assisted the legal department of a local construction company. Her skills in the areas of customer service, administrative duties and legal support are a wonderful addition to the excellent client experience we provide at The Broehl Law Office.
Brandy adds,“I love being able to help clients with their legal needs and make them feel comfortable throughout the planning process. We have wonderful clients; who have also referred other clients to our office, because of their wonderful experience.”
Brandy, her husband, Clifford and their two children reside in Ashland county. She is active in her local community, church and enjoys spending time with her family, cooking new dishes, and reading when she has the opportunity!

Cecelia Gingery
Cecelia Gingery is a 2018 graduate, magna cum laude, of Wooster High School. Prior to Graduation, Cecelia knew that she wanted to pursue Paralegal Studies and connected with a member of the Broehl Law Office about an internship. That Summer internship lead to a rewarding opportunity in full- time employment with Broehl Law Office. In addition to her busy work schedule, Cecelia completed her Certificate in Paralegal Studies from Liberty University with distinction in 2021. She now serves as the firm's probate estate paralegal administrator.
Cecelia says, “I really enjoy working with my coworkers and learning something new each day! I like to see our clients smile and feel relieved when they leave our office. It is very rewarding.”
Cecelia enjoys playing the piano, running, and being involved in her church. She is a hard worker and loves to spend time with her nieces and nephew! The future is bright for Cecelia and the Broehl Law Office is happy to have her on our team.

Jeffrey Odenkirk
Jeffrey is a lifetime resident of Wayne County and 2013 valedictorian graduate from Triway High School. While in High School, Jeffrey completed the Criminal Justice program at the Wayne County Schools Career Center (WCSCC). After graduation in 2013, he began work for the Wayne County Clerk of Courts. In 2015, he became a Felony Division Clerk with the Common Pleas Court. Jeffrey also completed the Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy, graduating with the highest Written Test score in his class. He has since served as an officer with the Police Departments of the Village of Apple Creek and the Village of Shreve.
In the summer of 2020, Jeffrey joined the Broehl Law Office team and completed a Paralegal Certification course in 2021 with Liberty University, graduating with Dean’s List honors.
Jeffrey enjoys spending time with friends and family, staying current on law enforcement training, exercising, building engines, autocross, and restoring cars. He takes those cars to local and state car shows and is a member of the Goodguys Rod and Custom Association, BMW Club of America and Mustang Club of America.

Laura Gerber